GFAWHELP Home Page Currently Available Free Download
This page is dedicated to those who desire to learn more about programming using
Windows API's with Gfa 32 bit. All files and Tutorials are © by their respective authors.
GFA Note

GB32 V2 Code
(4kb) From John Findlay.John uses MciWindowCreation to show us how to play .AVI files. Very nice. I reccomend. 12/01/2000 12/01/2000
GB32 V2 Code
(1177kb) From Eberhard Funck. It is an honor to present such fantastic programming to you. I must say that I feel honored indeed You will love this program. This is a commerical quality program. Loads and displays most graphic formats. Add text to your images. Also scans images from your scanner. A great program written in GFA 32. Don't you dare miss it. Be sure and read the Readme file included in the zip. 11/18/200004/01/2001
GB32 V2 Code
(168kb) From John Findlay. A very nice ray tracer. Thanks John. 08/20/2000
(129kb) Contribution from Gerd Kosbab. API-WIN is a Windows help file by Gerd Kosbab based on the Windows API turorials by John Findlay. Fantastic information for C style programming in GB32. 08/02/2000
(93kb) Contribution from Eberhard Funck: I had found a little 32bit DLL for reading and writing JPEG files. Also the documentation is very good and understandable. Everybody can download the whole documentation, SDK and the DLL. At My Demo show us, how you can decode JPEG files to a DIB image, or encode DIB image to a JPEG file. The header file for this DLL I have translate to GB32. It is in the source code as "App_Jepeg_Header" function. The best of it, you receive color independent datas and not a Handle of a Bitmap only. 07/25/2000Eberhard Funck
4kb)Russell Hayward has contributed this fine example of creating and managing a tab control using API's. The control contains six tabs with various other controls added; listbox, button, edit etc. 07/25/2000Russell Hayward
(15kb) Two function for loading Icons. One simply loads an icon from an icon file, the other written by Eberhard Funck will load icons from a resource file consisting of multiple icons. Both functions use the API CreateIconFromResourceEx(). Contact John FindlayJohn Findlay
England06/26/2000Eberhard Funck
(39kb)If you are the type of programmer who takes pride in your code, if you get pleasure from a job well done, if low level programming is something you've always wanted to try, then these examples and documents will help fill in the gaps of knowledge and enable you to get to grips with how Windows works. The documents can be used for reference purposes. APITut1 - This example demonstrates the creation of a Window using the API function CreateWindowEx(), the creation of a simple menu and displaying the various messages that are monitored. Contact John FindlayJohn Findlay
(55kb)APITut2.Zip contains an example listing and a document explaining how to create a toolbar using the API CreateTollbarEx function. The document contains reference material. Contact John FindlayJohn Findlay
(43kb)APITut3.Zip contains an example listing and a document explaining how to create a ListView common control with API CreateTollbarEx() function using the WC_LISTVIEW class. The document contains reference material Contact John FindlayJohn Findlay
(33kb)APITut4.Zip contains an example of MDI (Multiple Document Interface) using two types of child windows. A Document is included. The different menus and keyboard accelerator needed for an MDI application are loaded from a resource. Contains an example listing and a document explaining how to create a MDI Windows. Contact John FindlayJohn Findlay
(41kb)John Findlay has translated the Winuser.h file into GB32; this will save much time and effort if you need to use the API's, Constants or Type's for use with this dll. - User32.dll. Contact John FindlayJohn Findlay
COMCTRLS.ZIP (31Kb) Eberhard Funck has translated the Commctrl.h file into GB32; this will save much time and effort if you need to use the API's, Constants or Type's for use with the Windows Common Controls library - Commctrl.dll. Eberhard Funck
Germany 05/13/2000
APIDLG.ZIP (4Kb) An example from Eberhard Funck of loading Menu's and Dialog's from resource files. A 'Resource Compiler' is needed to create menu and dialog resources. There are two functions LoadMenuRes() and DialogBoxRes() that actually load the resources from a GB32 internal :File. The code uses the API method to create the main Window and also to respond to windows messages. Eberhard Funck
Germany 06/25/2000
APIDLG2.ZIP (6Kb) An example from Eberhard Funck of loading Modal and Modeless dialogs from one resource file. A 'Resource Compiler' is needed to create resources. The GB32 listing and the resource file is included in the zip. The code uses the API method to create the main Window and also to respond to windows messages. The function CreateDialogRes() is used for Modeless, and DialogBoxRes() for Modal dialogs Eberhard Funck
Germany 06/25/2000
RESLIB.ZIP (185kb) ResLib.Zip contains various calls to allow the loading of resources. These functions supersede all previous attempts at resource management with GB32.Written by Eberhard Funck and John Findlay.
CreateDialogRes() DialogBoxRes() LoadBitmapRes()
LoadMappedBitmapRes() LoadMenuRes()
LoadStringRes() LoadIconRes() LoadCursorRes()
LoadAcceleratorsRes() FindResourceRes()
LoadResourceRes() FreeResourceRes()
SizeofResourceRes() LoadBitmapFile()
LoadBitmapMappedFile() LoadIconFile()
Eberhard Funck
GermanyJohn Findlay
England 07/04/2000